Centaury Flower Essence Acupuncture Point/ Stomach 40 / Abundant Splendor- go to pages 48-49 to see the acu-point location.
photo: © deborahcraydon
AMAZON REVIEW 5.0 out of 5 stars An ingenious new system for using Bach remedies
I was intrigued by the title of this book, as I have used Bach lower remedies in the usual way for many years. This book is clearly a labour of love. It is beautifully written and produced. It provided a new perspective for me on the remedies. It is accessible to lay people as well as practitioners. It is one of those books that I would consider buying multiple copies to give to friends.As an acupuncturist I found this book to be a really lovely synergy between the Flower Essence indications and the properties of the Chinese Qi Meridians.
Amazon Review
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Book with Practical Applications
"The color and light encoded in a flower essence,
when applied to its corresponding acupuncture point, create an exponential effect that revivifies your life force and lifts it to a new octave."
Floral Acupuncture is an aesthetically pleasing book, both visually and tactilely, which presents ground-breaking research in the field of flower essence therapy. It is succinctly and clearly written in language that makes it accessible and understandable to all readers, even those unfamiliar with flower essences or Traditional Chinese Medicine. The book provides an overview of the work of Dr. Bach, as well as specific information regarding the Five-Element Theory, its relationship with acupuncture and the twelve meridians present in the human body.
Craydon and Bellows present a hypothesis, explaining the mechanism through which the topical application of essences on acupuncture points operates, based on the works of Dr. Masaru Emoto, Dr. Shui Yin Lo and Lynne McTaggert. Dr. Imoto's work illustrates the ability of water to record vibrational and energetic information, while Dr. Shui Yin Lo (The Biophysics Basis for Acupuncture and Health) hypothesizes that both meridians and acupuncture points are made up of "water clusters." [A] "water cluster is defined as approximately 'ten to the ninth' water molecules combining to form a `cluster' that is a dipole, i.e., negatively charged on one end and positively charged on the other. When these clusters are stimulated by acupuncture needles, heat, sound (light in the case of flower essences), electromagnetic waves, electric fields, and or sound waves are generated. These waves travel through the meridian to various organs that resonate with similar water clusters in that organ." Lynne McTaggert in her book The Field, addresses related concepts in the area of quantum physics, one being that "water acts as the conductor of a molecule's signature frequency." In conclusion, according to Craydon and Bellows, "The perfect harmonics of the floral template contained in the memory of the water will, through electromagnetic resonance, stimulate the water clusters in the receptive acupuncture point and communicate this information through the meridian system. In this way, the whole body receives vibratory communication and realigns itself to match this template. Profound healing occurs when inner and outer nature harmonize with one another."
"What makes for a correct fit of flower essence to acupuncture point is a harmonic resonance between the vibrational structure of the essence and the vibrational structure of the water cluster in the acu-point. It is this harmonic resonance that stimulates the point into oscillation."
The applications of essences on their corresponding acu-points as presented in the book are the result of fourteen months of clinical research with flower essences, specifically those made according to the indications of Dr. Bach. The essences were systematically tested on the body to find specific acupuncture points that matched the frequency of each particular essence. The authors began by applying an essence to the various meridian source points to test which meridian each essence was most compatible with. To match fully a flower essence to a meridian, they set the requirement that "it had to flower through the entire meridian, opening the cranial plates in the head." They did further testing to find a flower essence's "most fully resonant acupuncture point. ... We were always rewarded by a tremendous renewal of vibrant energy when we found the most resonant site."
An overview of application methods is presented as well as an explanation of the synthesis between each of the essences and corresponding acupuncture points. Photographs showing the location of the points accompany each one. There is an additional section addressing special treatments which evolved as the authors conducted research for the book.
An informative original model for working through emotional states following progressive stages of healing with flower essences is also introduced. It was developed by Deborah Craydon through her own observations working with clients. It is comprised of six transitional stages-Denial, Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Fear and Release-correlated with the essences applicable for each one. This model is a valuable tool in and of itself, irrespective of its relationship to the book as a whole.
Simply stated, this is an exciting book that invites both practitioners and individuals to explore a new territory and understanding of the topical application of flower essences.